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The Woodlands Texas is the home city to VFW POST 12024 and the Auxiliary 12024.  A beautiful city north of Houston on 45 highway.  The Woodlands is a master planned community. 

The Woodlands offers many entertainment venues including two movie theaters, over 150 restaurants, a publicly accessible waterway, and dancing waterfalls with music. Also featured is the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, summer home of the Houston Symphony and catering to many large acts (rock bands to classical). The Woodlands Waterway will eventually be more than 1/2 mile long, reaching from The Woodlands Mall around to Lake Woodlands and featuring wide, lighted sidewalks along both sides and Waterway Taxis. Additional attractions include Market Street, an old style "Main Street" pedestrian shopping district, home to a movie theater and a variety of shops and restaurants. The Woodlands Mall borders the waterway and is adjacent to Market Street, thus forming a large pedestrian friendly shopping district. In addition, each of the "villages" in The Woodlands has its own shopping center with a core grocery store and various shops, banks, gas, restaurants, etc.  Find activities in The Woodlands on Facebook.


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